ESTABLISHED IN 2014, TAI has already made their mark on the 'Cheer-World!' We have been named Regional, National, International Champions, 20x Cheersport National Champions, 7x NCA Champions, 9x D2 Summit Champions, 4x Silver D2 Summit Championships, 7x Regional Summit Champions and are the 2022 Triple Crown Points Race Winners for all of Level Four. We also were the leaderboard winners in all of the midwest region for FOUR of our teams in 2022 and won The League in 2023 with the Ice Queens and again in 2024 with our Senior Coed 4, Eruption! TAI knows that our success doesn't just come from the immense talent of our athletes & dedication of our parents & staff, but the favor of Christ. We are a Christian based facility & make sure that every aspect of our gym represents Christ. We want to instill solid morals, values, & beliefs in our athletes so that they may graduate from the gym confident, independent, & well-rounded young men & women. The very reason we founded TAI is so all who enter have a safe place to call home, to learn, to love, & to live the fullest life possible.
TAI ensures that it's staff are the areas finest! All TAI Staff members are USASF Certified, CPR, AED & First-Aid Certified, Concussion Testing Certified, & Heat Illness Prevention Certified and the entire staff has clearances. They are also Varsity University Graduates, have attended conferences such as the JackRabbit Conference to continue to enhance their knowledge of not only competitive-cheer, but business as well! We dedicate ourselves to continually educating our staff & athletes. We believe that education is IMPERATIVE to the success of our program & we ensure that our employees are always up-to-date on the newest trends, rules, & regulations of our ever changing sport! Our industry is constantly changing & developing, it demands the full-attention of all involved to stay up-to-date & be able to stay 'on-top' in the 'cheer-world.'
HERE at TAI we believe that every child is unique, beautiful, and talented. We want them to know more than anything how deeply loved and valued they are, not only in our eyes, but in the eyes of Christ. We know that everyone learns differently, must be spoken to differently, and taught differently. We strive to help each child develop into confident young men and women, knowing that as we earn these children's respect the word's we speak to them hold a heavy weight. At TAI, we believe that to earn respect you must first give it. We want every child to walk into the doors of this big red building knowing it is a safe place for them to come whether they have practice or not, knowing it is a place where they can confide in those around them, grow, have fun, make mistakes, and know forgiveness. This is a place where deep life-long bonds are formed and friends become family. This is a place where they can call home, and mean it. The staff at TAI devotes their entire lives to all who enter, as this is their full-time jobs they can focus solely on the well-being, success, and future of these athletes. We consider it an honor to work with your children, for you to trust us to help mold them into who they will become, and for you to let us love the sock off of them. We are determined to have each child know that in this crazy world, where society can force all sorts of unrealistic expectations on them, that they are perfect, chosen, beautiful, unique, valued, and so so capable of anything they put their minds too. Faith, hard work, perseverance, and determination are the door to success and at TAI we want to prepare our athletes to be able to swing the door open wide!